Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Highlighting projects we’re working on and gadgets we’ve built.

An Autonomous Lighted Insect Trap to Assess Aquatic Ecosystem Health

University of Wisconsin mechanical engineering students are developing a digital insect light trap to assess insect populations cheaper, faster, and better than current methods.

The “Frankenlog” Network: A Forest Floor Ecohydrology Sensor Network Using the Mayfly Data Logger

Understanding how forest floor management decisions impact ecosystem processes is difficult since long-term data on silvicultural impacts are sparse.

Hemispherical Shield to Reduce Fouling of Campbell Turbidity Sensor

Sensor fouling greatly reduced our confidence in the turbidity data. We decided to test a hemispherical shield for ease of construction and installation.

Low-Cost Stream “Tower Sampler”

We have developed a low-cost and very simple “Tower Sampler” that utilizes plastic bottles mounted vertically in the stream to collect discrete samples as various stream levels.

Monitoring Coastal Streams With the Mayfly Data Logger and Atlas Scientific Sensors

Adam Gold from the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences explains how the unique characteristics of coastal streams influenced his monitoring station design.

Construction of Water Level Monitoring Sensor Station

Our goal was to supply Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District in Forest Lake, Minnesota with an easy to use, low cost, and low power system that continuously monitors groundwater levels with minimal visits to the site.

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