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XBEE Module

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBEE Module

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    • #1600

        I am attempting to use an XBee Bluetooth module to connect several loggers to android devices. I am having problems with the serial connections however, stemming from my software end on the logger. The serial monitor wants to immediately open with rx and tx set to D1 and D0, which is fine. But then I can only access the serial monitor for data and commands via the USB port on the logger. What pins are set for the xbee slot’s rx and tx? On the back they are listed simply as RXD_Bee and TXD_Bee. In a nutshell, I need to know how to access these two pins via an Arduino Sketch so I can setup a serial connection with the XBee device.

      • #1605
        Shannon Hicks

          I just posted a helpful serial communication sketch. Try that and see if it works for you.

          Some Bee modules might need additional signals or control lines to work properly. That’s why many of the Bee socket’s pins are connected to some digital pins. For example:

          Bee CTS –> D19
          Bee RTS –> D20
          Bee DTR –> D23
          Bee RI or Assoc –> A5 (via SJ7)

          Check the Bee section on the schematic to see how it’s connected.

        • #1644
          John Smutny

            Would there be a way to send data from a Digital pin to a XBEE pin under those principles (for example, take data from pin D4 and send it to XBEE pin DIO4 to be transmitted wirelessly)?

            Right now I am trying to using the XBEE port on the Mayfly to transmit data to the Digi Cloud service in order to graph sensor data wirelessly on-site. Moreover, I have been able to use transmit the data over the serial monitor, but this data is only characters not int or float values. After looking on the XBEE part of the Mayfly’s schematic, there does not appear to be DIO_ connections to digital pins.

            So would there be a way to connect XBEE DIO_ pins to digital pins on the mayfly?

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