Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Mayflies in Coastal Redwoods – Northern California

I’ve completed a deployment of remote telemetry monitoring of depth gauges with the purpose of visualizing depth readings for Trout Unlimited California.

New Mayfly v1.1 release date and Product Status page

The new Mayfly v1.1 boards will be available starting March 10, 2022.

Monitor My Watershed Hits the Cloud!

Users will notice increased responsiveness, speed, and reliability, along with a new and improved Time Series Visualization.

New Mayfly Data Logger and Accessories

The new logger board is called Mayfly version 1.0, because it's the first major revision to the design since the beta version 0.5 that was first released in 2016.

EnviroDIY Summer Camp Helps Students Build Skills and Monitoring Stations

Over the summer, all the stars lined up to make one perfect program: an EnviroDIY camp for high school students in Lynchburg, Virginia.

My Experience Building an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station

Computer program downloading and circuit board wiring were not my forte, so the first thing I did was enlist the help of the most tech-savvy people I know.

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