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Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 1 weeks ago
Does the 511-a lose cal over time? Is it confused because we had it un-powered for over a year?
I’m waiting for a USB to RS485 adapter to try to use the smartpc utility to see if calibrating the unit will do anything, as well as see if the units are working correctly.
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 1 weeks ago
Thanks Shannon,
I used mostly the same code but replaced the GUIDS and inserted into the originally working code for one of our current stations.
I initially tried with 0x01, and just tested again with 0x01. The wiper wipes 3 times and stops.
Readings for temp and turbidity are still -9999.0 and -9999.0.
BrianJastram replied to the topic Sketch for rain gauges (SDI 12 interface) in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 1 weeks ago
I use Texas Electronics rain gauges and a ProTrinket with the Mayfly for my precipitation monitoring. It looks like your rain gauges also operate with a reed switch.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 1 weeks ago
I sent you some code last year that should work with the Y511-A. I can’t tell what other changes you’ve made to the code, but in snippet you posted above, the address should be 0x01 on line 7, not 0x02.
Stephen H replied to the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Also tried with another Yosemitech 511-a, same behavior so don’t think it’s an
issue with the sensor.
Stephen H started the topic Yosemitech 511-a no readings? in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Using the Yosemitech 511-a, with the regular code[snippet below], on a ver 1.1 mayfly, using the older modbus wing.
I get
YosemitechY511 at modbus_0x02 reports temperature is -9999.0 degreeCelsius
YosemitechY511 at modbus_0x02 reports turbidity is -9999.00 nephelometricTurbidityUnit
The sensor turns on, wipes back and forth 3 times, I…[Read more]
Braedon replied to the topic Controlling 12-volt heaters with a power relay in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 months, 2 weeks ago
@shicks I wanted to run by what my thought process is with these relays and some of the questions I have now that I have purchased a few. I think my questions are general enough that you should be able to help me with them. I am looking to connect the Seeed relay to the D10-D11 grove terminal on the Mayfly. This would connect the relay’s SIG pin…[Read more]
Cal started the topic System Hangs with Hologram Outage in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 months, 2 weeks ago
During the Hologram outage last week, 12 of my old stations in the field (all Mayfly 0.5 and Digi modems) stopped reporting measurements over the Internet. Then when Hologram fixed the problem, 10 of these stations (which have been running since 2020), came back online and reported all their measurements including the time Hologram was down.…[Read more]
kwolfe replied to the topic Hydros21 sensors not returning data in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Setting the channel twice did the trick.
D_Manning started the topic Sketch for rain gauges (SDI 12 interface) in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Would anyone have a Mayfly sketch for rain gauges such as METER’s ECRN-50 or -100 or Campbell’s Rainvue 10 (i.e., SDI 12 interface)? If it incorporates an Adafruit Trinket, all the better, but if it doesn’t, no problem.