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Reply To: Testing Data Uploads to data.envirodiy.org

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Testing Data Uploads to data.envirodiy.org Reply To: Testing Data Uploads to data.envirodiy.org


    While it’s true that there’s no “testing mode” at data.envirodiy, I do test the communication before I deploy by just setting the station up and let it start running. My last test ran for just over 2 days and one station died at 1.5 days because I didn’t have a powerful-enough battery. I was grateful to have it running for long enough to tell. I’m not worried about parsing my house plant test out of the data when I download the set for analysis. Are you using the example sketch here? https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/tree/master/examples/logging_to_EnviroDIY

    I’ve been meaning to get an “end-user” friendly tutorial (blog) ready for that process.