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Reply To: Battery Power Options

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Battery Power Options Reply To: Battery Power Options


    I’m planning to replace some existing datalogging equipment with the Mayfly and keep some of the existing power equipment.

    Today I have several stations each with Campbell Scientific dataloggers & sensors, standalone modems, solar panels, lead-acid batteries and charging circuits. The equipment is all 12v based. My desire is to pull out the dataloggers and modems and replace them with Mayflies + Digi modem modules. I have all the software working which includes interfacing the CS pressure transducers and cellular communications.

    The question is: can I use/keep the existing power (12v 8aH battery, 24v solar panel and charging circuit) and how should I connect to the Mayfly? Also – do I need a LiPo battery to supply the modem?

    Thanks for any ideas/help. – Cal