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Reply To: best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO Reply To: best practices enabling debugging modular sensors using platformIO

Sara Damiano

    You can also enable all of the debugging using a build flag in your platformio.ini. The result is exactly the same as if you un-comment the line in the header. You can add flags for any (or all) of the different modules.

    There also seems to be a bug in the very latest PlatformIO (4.0.0) when installing library dependencies. For some reason when I create a new project, add EnviroDIY_ModularSensors to my dependencies, and then try to compile, the library dependency finder doesn’t correctly find and install of of the dependencies during the first build. If I manually install the library using pio lib install EnviroDIY_ModularSensors before building, it finds everything perfectly.