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Sensor for water quality. Reuse water

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Sensor for water quality. Reuse water

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    • #1306
      Heather Brooks

        (Copying this from the blog to the forum in hopes of getting a response for Francois. Heather Brooks, Webmaster)

        On Dec. 2, 2015, Francois (http://envirodiy.org/members/francois/) wrote:

        Hi, nice to join the forum..

        We manage an experimental project for irrigation with reclaimed water.

        For this purpose it is very important to monitor continously the quality variation of the water.

        Reference packaged sensors for water quality control are very high cost. What alternative solutions does the community suggest for turbidity, nitrate, oxygen or ph?

        Thanks in advance !

      • #1307

          Sensors for continuous monitoring are challenging, see this for nutrients

          Nutrient Sensor Challenge aims to coax market for next generation instruments

          which is an EPA initiate to develop real-time sensors under $8K!!
          On the other end of the spectrum for low key community orientated “learning” projects
          My 2cents for reclaimed water is to look first at your local jurisdiction legal requirements you need to meet, then break it into components. Practically speaking its dependent on the source of the reclaimed water, and what your base load of pollutants might be
          1) for volume of irrigation water it may be relatively easy to sense
          2) for other nutrients you may start with determining best practices, manual sampling, and on to continuous monitoring.
          I don’t think there is a one solution fits all easy answer.

        • #1326

            Thanks for your response. Interesting EPA chalenge..
            Regarding the turbidity sensor one could find alternative solution from dishwashers applications: http://amphenol-sensors.com/en/products/temperature/turbidity

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