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Gaps in Time Series Analyst

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Gaps in Time Series Analyst

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    • #14067
      Robert S

        This is a continuation of another problem I had (#14019) while trying to upload data that was missing some information. I managed to salvage most of the data and upload it but now I have another issue.

        The TSA Visualization (and the Plot from the main site screen) show that there is still a gap in the data. If I go into “Datasets” and select my temperature sensor and download the data (STWTR2 – Maxim_DS18B20_Temp – Temperature.csv), there is a gap between 3/29 and 4/1. If I choose “Download Sensor Data” from the main page of my site, the data IS THERE (STWTR2_TimeSeriesResults.csv).

        So my question is, why isn’t the TSA picking up on the data? Does it have to do with the fact that I uploaded data to fill the gap AFTER I uploaded additional data (after 4/1)?  Is this a known issue?

        Slightly confused.

      • #14070
        Jim Moore

          I had the same problem trying to fill in gaps for SL150 when the modem wasn’t connecting.  See the following issue https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/430

          I think its a know problem that is on the ToDo list.

        • #14071
          Robert S

            Thanks Jim.

            In my case (manual upload), it looks like some of this might have been avoided by not uploading data out of order? Though that would probably not be possible for sites that transmit the data via cellular.

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