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Reply To: Transfer file from SD card to iOS/Android via bluetooth

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Transfer file from SD card to iOS/Android via bluetooth Reply To: Transfer file from SD card to iOS/Android via bluetooth

Sara Damiano

    I was reading up on the BLE support on the XBee3.  I think the only way to send data over Bluetooth is with Digi API frames.  You can use the on-board micropython, but from what I can tell, that uses the API frames under the hood.  So apart from having to figure out how to use the Mayfly to switch the XBee3 into API mode and properly chunk/format/send the SD card data into those frames, you’d have to figure out some way to take the frames you receive and turn them back into the data you want.  I *strongly* suspect that it wouldn’t be even close to worth the trouble to figure all those bits out and would just get a simpler Bluetooth device and leave the XBee3’s Bluetooth off.  My experience with the API frames on the XBee is that they’re a huge PITA and really hard to get right (as in, I couldn’t do it).