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Reply To: Announcement: New ModularSensors release v0.28.01

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Announcement: New ModularSensors release v0.28.01 Reply To: Announcement: New ModularSensors release v0.28.01


    I’d like to give my thanks to @srgdamiano for the excellent job in doing releases and also documenting them in different places including the platformio.ini . The git managed source control is core to being able to build reliable loads.  Absolutely amazing the distributed gits.

    I still don’t quite follow all the release mechanisms, as they area also evolving, but just was trying to track through with examples\menu_a_la_carte\platformio.ini, which seems to pull in the latest via the latest specification of the libs through platformio

    lib_deps =

    is it actually pulling from a git on platformio, or are they pointed back to their specified links .? Many thanks again.