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Reply To: How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading Reply To: How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

Charitha (CJ)

    Thank you so much for the replies. The 5V signal duration varies with site and rain event conditions. However, with my previous field work, using a campbell system, the valve controlled by the actuator was open (5V) for an average of 10 mins (but could be a few hours on extreme rainfall events). How would the duration affect the mayfly? I’m using 12V (15AH) batteries to power the system. The actuator has separate power and signal inputs and the signal draws a very low current (I’m not quite sure how much however, the campbell loggers were able to provide it safely). I must note that the actuator actually requires a 0-10V signal and I’m thinking of using a PWM to voltage convertor (http://www.icstation.com/voltage-converter-module-adjustable-converter-power-module-digital-analog-signal-p-12498.html). Therefore, the signal from the mayfly will be directed in to the convertor, which has its own power supply to generate the 0-10V signal (if I understand it correctly).

    I hope I’m making sense. My knowledge is quite limited when it comes to electrical engineering.