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Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Connection is not private

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    • #15745
      Cheryl Nolan

        Is anyone else getting this warning when attempting to access the Monitor My Watershed website? I turned on “Enhanced Protection” but I’m still getting the warning.


      • #15747
        Heather Brooks

          Hi Cheryl, thanks for posting. This issue was reported to the Monitor My Watershed development team yesterday. They have identified the cause and will be working to fix it today.

        • #15749
          Heather Brooks

            P.S. I’ve moved this topic from the Mayfly Data Logger forum to the Monitor My Watershed forum, in case others look there for this issue.

          • #15750
            Cheryl Nolan

              Thanks Heather! Sorry, I can’t keep all of the forums straight. 🙁

            • #15752
              Heather Brooks

                No worries (and you’re not alone!). If you’re uncertain about where to post, you can check the main Forums page and you’ll see the list of forums with brief descriptions. Admittedly, there is a bit of overlap for Monitor My Watershed. Others can weigh in if I’m getting this wrong, but I think if you have a Mayfly-related problem pushing your data to MonitorMW, it should be posted in the Mayfly Data Logger forum, but if it’s an issue with the MonitorMW website itself, it should go in the MonitorMW forum. Clear as mud? 🙂

              • #15821
                Cheryl Nolan

                  Thanks Heather! I think I’ve got in now. 🙂


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