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Reply To: Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak Reply To: Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak


    Hello @rick-vogel – sounds fascinating & fun to use python in the Xbee.  Though for ModularSensors there are layers of software that allow the physical modem to be abstracted so it could be possible to use another LTE when it becomes available (0.30.0 seems to have hooks for a new LTE modem SIM7080G) – through TinyGSM. As a Class package that @srgdamiano has put together its quite comprehensive – though as with all abstractions it has upsides and downsides.   I think this is working through what it takes to figure out the control flow, which would be needed whatever route is taken. In my fork (with some LTE interface changes) it has worked.

    , I’d got pulled off onto something else, now I’ve added the STREAMDEBUGGER_DBG to your “Logging_to_Thingskeak5.ino”and removed my extra code that I had and about to test it – but I have to get another dataplan going to test it – I use https://dataplans.digikey.com/ that has a 50Mbytes/month plans,