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2016-06-28 at 6:52 PM
Ok so I have the sensor reading well with the code above and I have a sample of the seeduino datalogger that also seems to work but I cant seem to embed one code to the other and have it keep working. it just seems to put the poor little arduino into a coma after taking and writing one sample to the SD card.
Ill attach the datalogger code and hopefully some clever person out there can help.
this code works well on its own.
Seeduino Stalker V3 Datalogger
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//Data logger Demonstration using Seeeduino Stalker v3.0. Logs Battery Voltage every 10 seconds to DATALOG.CSV file //Use this demo code to implement your Datalogger functionality, add additional sensors. //1.Solder P3 and P2 PCB jumper pads //2.Compile and upload the sketch //3.See if everything works fine using Serial Monitor. //4.Remove all Serial port code, recompile the sketch and upload. // This reduces power consumption during battery mode. #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <DS1337.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> //The following code is taken from sleep.h as Arduino Software v22 (avrgcc) in w32 does not have the latest sleep.h file #define sleep_bod_disable() \ { \ uint8_t tempreg; \ __asm__ __volatile__(“in %[tempreg], %[mcucr]” “\n\t” \ “ori %[tempreg], %[bods_bodse]” “\n\t” \ “out %[mcucr], %[tempreg]” “\n\t” \ “andi %[tempreg], %[not_bodse]” “\n\t” \ “out %[mcucr], %[tempreg]” \ : [tempreg] “=&d” (tempreg) \ : [mcucr] “I” _SFR_IO_ADDR(MCUCR), \ [bods_bodse] “i” (_BV(BODS) | _BV(BODSE)), \ [not_bodse] “i” (~_BV(BODSE))); \ } DS1337 RTC; //Create RTC object for DS1337 RTC static uint8_t prevSecond=0; static DateTime interruptTime; static uint16_t interruptInterval = 10; //Seconds. Change this to suitable value. void setup () { /*Initialize INT0 pin for accepting interrupts */ PORTD |= 0x04; DDRD &=~ 0x04; Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(57600); analogReference(INTERNAL); RTC.begin(); pinMode(4,OUTPUT);//SD Card power control pin. LOW = On, HIGH = Off digitalWrite(4,LOW); //Power On SD Card. Serial.print(“Load SD card…”); // Check if SD card can be intialized. if (!SD.begin(10)) //Chipselect is on pin 10 { Serial.println(“SD Card could not be intialized, or not found”); return; } Serial.println(“SD Card found and initialized.”); attachInterrupt(0, INT0_ISR, LOW); //Only LOW level interrupt can wake up from PWR_DOWN set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); //Enable Interrupt //RTC.enableInterrupts(EveryMinute); //interrupt at EverySecond, EveryMinute, EveryHour // or this DateTime start = RTC.now(); interruptTime = DateTime(start.get() + interruptInterval); //Add interruptInterval in seconds to start time } void loop () { ////////////////////// START : Application or data logging code////////////////////////////////// float voltage; int BatteryValue; BatteryValue = analogRead(A7); voltage = BatteryValue * (1.1 / 1024)* (10+2)/2; //Voltage divider DateTime now = RTC.now(); //get the current date-time if((now.second()) != prevSecond ) { //print only when there is a change Serial.print(now.year(), DEC); Serial.print(‘/’); Serial.print(now.month(), DEC); Serial.print(‘/’); Serial.print(now.date(), DEC); Serial.print(‘ ‘); Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC); Serial.print(‘:’); Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC); Serial.print(‘:’); Serial.print(now.second(), DEC); Serial.print(” “); Serial.print(voltage); Serial.print(” V”); Serial.println(); } prevSecond = now.second(); //|||||||||||||||||||Write to Disk|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| File logFile = SD.open(“DATALOG.CSV”, FILE_WRITE); if(logFile) { logFile.print(now.year(), DEC); logFile.print(‘/’); logFile.print(now.month(), DEC); logFile.print(‘/’); logFile.print(now.date(), DEC); logFile.print(‘,’); logFile.print(now.hour(), DEC); logFile.print(‘:’); logFile.print(now.minute(), DEC); logFile.print(‘:’); logFile.print(now.second(), DEC); logFile.print(‘,’); logFile.println(voltage); logFile.close(); } //|||||||||||||||||||Write to Disk|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| RTC.clearINTStatus(); //This function call is a must to bring /INT pin HIGH after an interrupt. RTC.enableInterrupts(interruptTime.hour(),interruptTime.minute(),interruptTime.second()); // set the interrupt at (h,m,s) attachInterrupt(0, INT0_ISR, LOW); //Enable INT0 interrupt (as ISR disables interrupt). This strategy is required to handle LEVEL triggered interrupt ////////////////////////END : Application code //////////////////////////////// //\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Sleep Mode and Power Down routines\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ //Power Down routines cli(); sleep_enable(); // Set sleep enable bit sleep_bod_disable(); // Disable brown out detection during sleep. Saves more power sei(); digitalWrite(4,HIGH); //Power Off SD Card. Serial.println(“\nSleeping”); delay(10); //This delay is required to allow print to complete //Shut down all peripherals like ADC before sleep. Refer Atmega328 manual power_all_disable(); //This shuts down ADC, TWI, SPI, Timers and USART sleep_cpu(); // Sleep the CPU as per the mode set earlier(power down) sleep_disable(); // Wakes up sleep and clears enable bit. Before this ISR would have executed power_all_enable(); //This shuts enables ADC, TWI, SPI, Timers and USART delay(10); //This delay is required to allow CPU to stabilize Serial.println(“Awake from sleep”); digitalWrite(4,LOW); //Power On SD Card. //\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Sleep Mode and Power Saver routines\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ } //Interrupt service routine for external interrupt on INT0 pin conntected to DS1337 /INT void INT0_ISR() { //Keep this as short as possible. Possibly avoid using function calls detachInterrupt(0); interruptTime = DateTime(interruptTime.get() + interruptInterval); //decide the time for next interrupt, configure next interrupt } |