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Reply To: Progress with Hydreon RG-15 Rain Sensor and TippingBucketRainCounter

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Progress with Hydreon RG-15 Rain Sensor and TippingBucketRainCounter Reply To: Progress with Hydreon RG-15 Rain Sensor and TippingBucketRainCounter

Anthony Aufdenkampe

    @jamesbailey, I just noticed this post and have a quick answer to your first problem regarding the EnviroDIY/TippingBucketRainCounter library.

    In April 2021, I issued the v0.2.0: Add Anemometer Counting and Bug Fix release, which not only fixed a byte-order bug in the original release, but also expanded event counter from 2-bytes to 4-bytes.

    Shortly afterwards I updated the EnviroDIY/ModularSensors library, in a feature branch, to work with the RainCounter release, and these updates were merged into the develop branch in October 2021 with the Update RainCounterIC2 to support reed-switch anemometer #384 pull request.

    Unfortunately, that code is only now working its way into a new official release of ModularSensors, see https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/pull/407. When that release happens, you will no longer need to “hack” the libraries to get things to work.

    Sorry for that delay in getting these two libraries synced up, and for the extra troubles that it caused you!