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Reply To: LTEBee on Verizon?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger LTEBee on Verizon? Reply To: LTEBee on Verizon?


    I think I found the answer by emailing support@rexV, since I got it from amazon.com Mar.2022 it wasn’t certified for Verizon.

    This can be checked https://opendevelopment.verizonwireless.com/activation-troubleshooting

    support@RexV said “RevX does not certify devices for use on M2M/IoT rate plans, rather the manufacturer registers the IMEI with the carrier for end certification”

    I guess I can try the one I have on another network and see if it works.

    , I was wondering where did you get your latest ones that work with Verizon. Many thanks


    I was wondering, @shicks do you have a date for when the current stock of EnviroDIY LTE Bee SIM7080G parts was placed on Amazon.


    many thanks