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Get MMW data in real time?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Get MMW data in real time?

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    • #17924

        @shicks @srgdamiano

        Is it possible to get data from an MMW sensor in real time from the website, not by downloading the data as a .csv?  I’m looking for a way to grab data from some sensors and then plot them on a custom web app for our university.


      • #17925
        Sara Damiano

          I have a jupyter notebook showing how I get data here: https://gist.github.com/SRGDamia1/d5bf4b651756a19a6df1a653b9493a6e

        • #17926

            Thanks so much @srgdamiano. I noticed your comment “This endpoint serves as a temporary access point between the shut-down of the WoFpy service and the development of a more efficient and permanent service.”  Are you aware of anything in the works to create this “more efficient and permanent service”? That being said, I think I can see how to do this with the data I need to access.

          • #17928
            Sara Damiano

              We’re actively working on getting funding to further develop an efficient data access API.

            • #18357

                Does this code still return real time sensor data? The code looks like it is working correctly on my machine but returns an empty DataFrame.


              • #18361
                Sara Damiano

                  This code still works for me. Are you sure you have your start and end dates set within the range that your sensor has data?

                • #18364

                    D’oh. That was the problem.

                    Thanks for your help.

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