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Reply To: Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t Reply To: Mayfly sketch compiles, seems to upload, but doesn’t


    <h1>Partially solved!</h1>
    I may have found part of the problem, thanks to you. I had to create a new repo in order to share my code with you. When I open that new repo in VSC from Github desktop it compiles as you’ve described. I was starting to have a hunch that the problem was that I had branched from main to add some additional functionality and I thought that I could just upload from that branch. However, the branched code doesn’t compile or upload as described above. When I revert to main on Github desktop and open the code, it compiles and uploads just fine. You learn something new every day (or week or month, in my case).

    So, this worked for one of the sketches. But when I tried this on a second sketch that uses a different Mayfly, I get the old behavior. I’ll keep trying!