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Sampling Feature UUID for manual data upload

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Sampling Feature UUID for manual data upload

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    • #18061
      Matt Barney

        I have a colleague for whom I programmed a Mayfly without any modem-related code because this station has no cellular service nor modem, so they upload data to MMW manually from the SD card. However, the data file being written to the card does not contain the Sampling Feature UUID, so they have to add that to the data file manually before it can be successfully uploaded to MMW. What do we need to change in order to make the proper header to be written to the file by the Mayfly? I’ve attached the code that is running on the board.

      • #18063
        Sara Damiano

          You need to set the sampling feature UUID for the logger. If you have an EnviroDIYPublisher, this happens automatically, but without the publisher, you need to add it.

          So after you set the logger pins in line 283 (dataLogger.setLoggerPins()), add the line dataLogger.setSamplingFeatureUUID(samplingFeature);

        • #18064
          Matt Barney

            Thank you!

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