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LTEBee conflict with NeoSWSerial?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger LTEBee conflict with NeoSWSerial?

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    • #18135
      Matt Barney

        We have an EnviroDIY station that’s been running for a number of months, using a v0.5 Mayfly with Digi LTE modem, a CTD, and a Maxbotix sonar sensor. More recently, the Digi failed, and we upgraded the modem to an LTEBee and the Mayfly to a v1.1. Accordingly, I updated the code (attached) for the new modem. Since then, no data has been uploaded to MMW. During desktop debugging, the last lines printed to the Serial Monitor are:


        …and nothing afterward.

        If I comment out all code for the Maxbotix and NeoSWSerial, then the Mayfly communicates and uploads successfully. Is there a conflict between the LTEBee and NeoSWSerial as I have them coded?

      • #18138
        Sara Damiano

          I’m looking into it. I would have said “of course they should work together” but I’d never tried it, so I hooked it up and tried it out. And I got the same result as you. I haven’t figured it out yet, though.

        • #18139
          Sara Damiano

            I’m sorry; I’m stumped. There’s something wrong with the way the battery voltage is being read. But I don’t understand what. As soon as I turn on the debugging for it.. it works. It also works if I upgrade to the current ModularSensors master branch. But I cannot figure out for the life of me what change makes it work.

            So my two suggestions to get it working (pick one):
            – Add -D MS_PROCESSORSTATS_DEBUG to the build flags in your platformio.ini
            – Upgrade to the latest master branch of ModularSensors on GitHub by changing your lib_deps to envirodiy/EnviroDIY_ModularSensors@0.33.3

          • #18140
            Matt Barney

              Great, thanks @srgdamiano! Got it working on my desktop; now will deploy into the field.

              One small change: The lib_deps line I used to grab the latest ModularSensors was:

              (without a version number).


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