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Reply To: Monitoring power consumption

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Monitoring power consumption Reply To: Monitoring power consumption


    I haven’t had much luck getting to 0.5mA with mega1284, it was with the Mayfly 0.5b- https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/testing-power-consumption/#post-15252   My notes on measurements is that it was between 2-2.5mA.  I did get well beneath 0.5mA   on another project with mega2560, but that was a lot of hardwork, and also ended up with a higher value of mA for the production version – as the modem connection really consumes the energy.

    In looking at testing the whole system, including production software – I came to the view its the apparent reliability of the overall system – and managing the power demand, and delivering readings to MMW, that results  in a stable overall system – requiring less intervention and maintenance.

    I put a model together for power used over a day with the most active subsystems. I enclose “Mayfly MS Energy Useage 231218.xlsx”

    This is really paying off with this system https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TUCA_GV01/