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    • #18526

        This is rather a good summary of over-the-air updates – https://blog.arduino.cc/2024/06/13/why-do-ota-updates-matter-in-iot

        I wonder if anybody is trying the arduino cloud that it uses.? https://cloud.arduino.cc/

      • #18537

          Hi Neil

          I had a go at arduino cloud about a year ago.

          For price/configurability I ended up switching to Blynk. I’ve had 5 arduino MKR GSM boards function flawlessly for the past year. I think Blynk is aimed at developers, but there was enough sample code for me to get the board running .

          That said, the current arduino pricing looks good.

          I’ve also been using these sim cards – 1nce.com.  10 euro for 500Mb with  10 years lifespan.



        • #18540

            Hey thanks for the reference. I’ve also been monitoring blynk .

            Do you offload the data regularly? – that seems to be the big gotcha is figuring out how often to download data.

          • #18543

              I download data every couple of months, or as needed. It’s a pain, and I inevitably have overlap of data to clean up.

              My current plan allows for 3 month’s data storage (Maker plan), but I notice on the current pricing only 1 month of storage is provided. I’ll get the good news at plan renewal time I’m sure!

              I’ll have a look at arduino cloud / alternatives for my next project


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