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Reply To: Gaps in my data

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Gaps in my data Reply To: Gaps in my data

Shannon Hicks

    No, the Mayfly datalogger doesn’t know if any data is missing from the website, it just tries to send it every 5, 10, or 15 minutes (or whatever interval it is programmed for).  If the data doesn’t get to the website database, the logger won’t know, and doesn’t send any old data to fill in the gaps. You’ll need to visit the station and manually retrieve the onboard memory card to see what was recorded when the station wasn’t transmitting.  That visit also will give you a chance to clean the sensor and assess whatever physical problem might be causing the data outages.  My first guess would be a malfunctioning battery pack, so if you’ve got a spare fully-charged pack, swap that out when you swap out the memory card.  Then check the datafile to see what the battery voltage and cell signal strength are during the samples that weren’t transmitted.  You can also manually upload the datafile to MonitorMyWatershed and it will auto-fill in missing gaps.