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Reply To: New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001 Reply To: New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001

Shannon Hicks

    We ordered a couple of these modules and they arrived a few days ago.  I did some testing the past couple days and had only occasional success at sending data to MMW with them.  We’re thinking the code libraries probably need to be tweaked to work with these new modules, but there’s no usable electrical or software documentation for these particular modules from Digi at this time, so we’ve got limited info to work with.  We also used one of our standard Hologram SIM cards and the module would only connect to either T-Mobile or AT&T, so you might need to have a different carrier’s SIM card if you want to get these to work with Verizon.