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Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Connecting Arduino MEGA or NANO with Teros 12 Sensor

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    • #18821

        I’m new when it comes to SDI-12 sensors. Can someone help me connecting Arduino Mega or Nano to the Teros 12. A basic pin configuration & which code to run to check whether the data is being read would be really helpful.

      • #18822

          @shicks can you suggest something?

        • #18823
          Shannon Hicks

            How many sensors are you wanting to connect to your Arduino board?  Do you have a Mega, or Nano, or both?  What sort of termination is on the end of your sensors?  Are you just wanting to display instantaneous sensor data on your computer or are you trying to build a logging device?

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