quiqueapolo replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
Could you tell me the lines I need to rewrite to read only my adress. I have 8 sensors with adress from 0 to 7.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
That example goes through the list of available address to see if a sensor is attached that has a corresponding address, so it definitely takes awhile to go through the whole list. You could rewrite it to only go through the addresses of your sensors and not the entire list. But your sensors have a 600ms sample time (as stated in the d…[Read more]
quiqueapolo started the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
I am using this library SDI12. I’m trying to read SRS sensor from Decagon. The code used is the provided in the example codes call “d_simple_logger.ino”. The code works well and I can read all the sensors. However, the time to read all the sensors is too high. Due to the code takes 3-4 seconds for reading each sensors. I have 8 sensors…[Read more]
Matt Barney replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Wow – thanks, all, for the great information!
Because our problem site is relatively inconvenient to access, I think on our (@jlemontu-org ‘s) next visit, he’ll come armed with a number of options. We’ll pick up a Taoglas antenna, as well as bring along a spare Pulse antenna, in case the existing one is compromised. And we can experiment with…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
A few years ago, we used to put SMA jacks with bulkhead fittings through the Pelican case and use an external weatherproof antenna outside the case. But the signal loss caused by the extra coax and the bulkhead fitting caused more to lower the overall signal than just using a small antenna inside the Pelican case. So unless we’re connecting a…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Yes that should work. On processor reset, A5 will need to be setoutput to out and low.
Then on setting A6 high AND there is enough power in the LiIon battery the Xbee Radio should come on.
It should be noted its a good idea to monitor the LiIon battery, as it should be sized for the power usage (I like 2Ahr or 4Ahr battery).
When the measured…[
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
@aufdenkampe, I’m sure that the Tagolas did better when it was new. You can’t really tell in my picture, but all of my bigger antennas are sort-of crumpled from being dragged back and forth in my backpack and getting shuffled around on my desk.
Most cellular antennas are very wide band or ultra wide band – they cover a lot of frequencies. An…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
@ckillen – yes, that is correct.
You know, though, I’ve never actually done it. Time to walk down the hall to borrow Shannon’s soldering iron..
Anthony Aufdenkampe replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Following up on Beth’s comment on enclosure, the radio signal should get through the plastic case just fine, but the bigger issue is keeping distance between your antenna and any other metal, especially wires and battery but also including your solar panel. I’m always careful to place my antenna in the top of the box, keeping the wires, battery…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
All of the network selection/registration is done by the u-blox firmware. The Mayfly’s mcu tells the Digi mcu to tell the u-blox mcu to automatically select the network. ModularSensors doesn’t even both to ask which network gets selected. It could ask, but I never cared enough to implement it.
ModularSensors is also requesting automatic se…[Read more]
Cal replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
From time to time, some of my XBee radios in the field get into a state that won’t communicate. Even though I can successfully execute AT commands nothing I’ve found but a power recycle will get it out of that state and communicating again. One thing that can cause the problem is a power brownout but there are other causes that I don’t underst…[Read more]
fisherba replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Something to keep in mind is that our mobile phones have multiple radios and switch (mostly) seamlessly between different signals (3G, 4G, etc) but our XBee radios will only communicate on their designated protocol(s). Looks like the XBee 3 is LTE-M and NB-IoT and I don’t know anything about the latter.
This means that what we see on our mobiles…[Read more]
Matt Barney replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Our Mayfly, XBee3, and antenna are inside a Pelican case, so yeah, I was wondering whether that inhibits signal, but I’m really out of my technical depth on these antenna and signal questions. Jake was able to get decent voice service on his Verizon phone at the site, and my understanding is that ModularSensors (or maybe it’s the XBee3’s firmware)…[Read more]
fisherba replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
What’s your enclosure? Is there a chance it’s blocking signal? There are probably apps for checking cell signal strength and direction.
The Maximus just connect straight to our Bee radios and sits inside a plastic enclosure (Pelican and Polycase).
Matt Barney replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Great – thanks, Beth, we’ll check it out!
Hi Evan, Thanks for your response. I agree with your concerns about the tiny coax cable and the fragile uFL connector. Poking around yesterday, looking at additional options, I was considering adapting uFL to the larger SMA with something like this: https://www.adafruit.com/product/851 and then, if…[Read more]
fisherba replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
We’ve had great improvement with the Maximus FXUB66.
Evan replied to the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi Matt
Any opportunity to extend the coaxial line?
I have thought about this issue, and planned to try one of these:
https://www.data-alliance.net/u-fl-extension-cable-male-to-female-1-5-inch-2-in-3-in-4-in-6-in-7-in-8-in-10-inch/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnL7yBRD3ARIsAJp_oLZgihbPsuyjcXW51G1_1HEFxT-kxrcJSm2XSu4Eh6WNAjJhtA9x8_waAonsEALw_wcBBut, Im not sure…[Read more]
Matt Barney started the topic Stronger cell antenna? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone been able to improve cell signal with a different antenna on the XBee3? We’re using the Pulse W3907B0100. @lemon updated one of our stations in Michigan today with the latest firmware, and its data transmission is still intermittent. Just curious whether there’s an easy way to improve reception.
Matt -
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Editing Variable UUIDs in the forum Monitor My Watershed 4 years, 10 months ago
I’m sorry! It looks like it somehow missed the dependencies in the install. Try running the command
pio lib install EnviroDIY_ModularSensors
Land Craft DC became a registered member 4 years, 11 months ago
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