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  • If you remove both the coin battery and the mayfly loses power, even for an instant, the clock will reset to Jan 1, 2000 0:00:00.

    The coin battery isn’t necessary if there’s another power supply, but it’s very convenient to power the clock with its own battery so that you don’t have to reset the clock every time you turn the Mayfly off.  The…[Read more]

  • I would like to better understand the Mayfly dependency on having its clock set correctly prior to deployment. If you remove the coin-cell battery for many days, then reinstall it, will the Mayfly lose its time setting? Assuming so, would that cause it to be unable to upload data to MMW? If the battery is completely absent, will that prevent…[Read more]

  • Dan replied to the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago

    Cool, thanks for that info. Yeah, I have found the GPRSbee to be pretty good; we have four of them that have been operating for over a year now and they all just keep trucking along.

    It’s strange, I do also have an XBee3 (XB3M1, XB3-C-A2-UT-001 RevH) but have never been able to get it to power up or respond in any way on the Mayfly. I have SJ13…[Read more]

  • Heather Brooks wrote a new post 5 years ago

    On February 3, 2020, we will be turning off two community features in order to streamline the user experience. The features that will be deactivated are:

    Status updates, the “What’s new, @username” text b […]

  • As for T-Mobile’s 2G, the most recent I’ve found says no guarantee past the end of this year.  A while ago they were saying that they would maintain the same coverage area for 2G up until the sunset, but we keep having more sites without coverage.

  • I’m sorry!  The SIM800 definitely has quirks, but it’s better than this.  We have had better luck with the Mayfly and Digi LTE XBee3’s than you have had with the UBee, but I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking things to figure out what works.

    It’s funny, we were on a phone call at one point with a group at Oregon State that was just beginning to l…[Read more]

  • Its a good discussion, and I’m interested in the context of the study of intermittent streams.

    There are a lot of examples of detecting “water leaks”, that is the physical situation of going from no water, to “tap water” – a relatively low TDS water.
    For an intermittent stream, I imagine its going from a physical water present (with potentially…[Read more]

  • Dan replied to the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago

    Thank you Sara. Unfortunately those changes didn’t do the trick. I may have to fall back to using some GPRSbees for this project and hope that T-Mobile doesn’t shut down their 2G towers too soon 🙂

  • I’m sorry, but you keep saying things that are unclear and incomplete which makes it very frustrating for me in trying to help you. You seem to know very little about what you have so it’s difficult for me to believe that you do have correct wiring and code.

    Do you have or have you read the manual from Yosemitch for your sensor and do you…[Read more]

  • Hi All,

    I’m uploading data to MMW and wanted to share some observations.

    1. Larger files will not upload successfully. It seems like the sweet spot is 11-13 days of 5-minute interval data for CTD/Turb Mayfly Configurations.
    2. The data is sometimes visible on Time Series Analyst after upload and sometimes it is not. I can’t figure out what…[Read more]

  • Because my original goal is not to measure conductivity, but presence only, I am hesitant to buy an off-the-shelf variant, and I think that it would be awesome to make my instrument.

    Right now, precision is more important to me than accuracy. Though, if it seems possible and I can consistently obtain realistic values, that may change.

    You’ve…[Read more]

  • Got information now that it is the y-500b does that even work with this library?

  • Yeah i use the arduino ide on my nodemcu. Im testing the sensor with the yosemite displayvalues library.

    The thing i meant with own code was that the one working on this project before didnt give me anything like source code or explenation how he did work everything out.

    Its searching all the slaveids and cant find the sensor. I use pin D6 for…[Read more]

  • Hi Neil, thanks so much – the detail is appreciated! I need to check with our hydrology staff to learn their accuracy requirements. To date, our Mayfly deployments have used the CTD-10 from Meter, but we have a new site where we’re only interested in depth, and the MaxSonar would be a cost savings over the CTD-10 in that case. However, I’m…[Read more]

  • We finally received the Mayfly boards and other accessories, so we’re working to get everything tested, packaged, and shipped to Amazon as quickly as possible. Everything will hopefully be available online again by this weekend or early next week.

  • Are you using Arduino core on your ESP8266 or are you using NodeMCU Lua? They are completely different firmwares; Arduino core uses cpp and has many libraries that parallel functionality to an AVR Arduino board like the Arduino Uno. NodeMCU uses Lua script.

    I use softwareserial and ive heard that it work but dont really know.

    There is a…[Read more]

  • I use softwareserial and ive heard that it work but dont really know. But i am continuing some code for a module. As i couldnt download his code i made it from scratch. Acording to how i connected it it seems like its connected to the nodemcu but actually i dont really know sadly

  • Rory G posted an update 5 years ago

    Hey All, I was really excited to purchase a Mayfly data logger but I see that they are currently unavailable on Amazon.com which I believe is the only location where they are sold. Does anyone know if this is a regular occurrence and or when they will be made available again?

    I’d also like to ask why they can’t ship to Canada? I do live somewhat…[Read more]

    • Rory G, our Amazon stock is sold out but we should have the storefront restocked soon. Shannon Hicks recently posted this:

      Shannon Hicks replied to the topic MayFly Kit/Bee Adapter availability December 2019 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger
      14 days ago

      All the starter kits I sent to Amazon at the beginning of the month sold out within a few days…[Read more]

      • That’s great to hear that they’re selling as well as they are and that more are being made available. Is there any thought on if the data logger will be shipped to Canada in the future?

  • I am so very unimpressed with the SARA R410. It does not deserve its name.

  • Oh, no, the hold for the URC *is* working. It’s just not holding for long enough. It gives up after 75s and the code wasn’t smart enough to differentiate between a ‘0’ = nothing in the returned buffer and ‘0’ = the modem returned that it opened the socket with 0 errors. The CSQ responses show good signal you’re already registered on the network…[Read more]

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