Evan started the topic Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Hi All
Ive put together a very basic conductivity probe that provides an indication(unit-less) of the presence of water.
On the probe end Im using gold plated terminals for their corrosion resistance properties and an insane amount of “marine grade” heat shrink.
Sending 5v to one terminal and measuring any voltage received from the other ter…[Read more] -
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
is part of the ModularSensors library, not part of the Yosemitech library.
You need to post more details of what exactly you’re trying to do and exactly what error messages you’re getting before I can help more.
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
I have them all installed but the examples says they are not compatible and when i type in the includes it says it cant find them
sensors/YosemitechY504.h: No such file or directory
Dan replied to the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, that didn’t fix it. Bummer! This issue seems reminiscent of the last post by acgold on that GH issue. This is what the relevant lines of my setup look like now, but still no dice. Anything else?
modem.modemPowerUp(); Serial.println(F("Delaying 500 after powerup"));…
Sara Damiano replied to the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
I’ve attached some annotations showing what’s happening in your logs.
Sara Damiano replied to the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Ugh. I should just get one of these R410 uBee’s just to help other people out.
It looks like it’s powering down when it’s supposed to be waking up and visa-versa.
I could babble at length about it, but my first suggestion to try and make it work it is to add a ~500ms delay [
] after the
and another matching delay after…[Read more]
TonyT became a registered member 5 years ago
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Editing Variable UUIDs in the forum Monitor My Watershed 5 years ago
The OBS3+ treats the low range and high range turbidity as if they’re two completely different things. So on Monitor My Watershed you actually have to create two different variables, one for each of the high and low range, just like you would separate temperature and depth from a CTD. I *strongly* recommend you add something to the notes field…[Read more]
jbiddle replied to the topic Editing Variable UUIDs in the forum Monitor My Watershed 5 years ago
Hi Sara, thanks for your help.
I unfortunately had to put this project on hold right after you help me with my last problem, so sorry for the late response.
I managed to fix the library issue I was having (they were stored in the wrong subfolder), and I have a few new questions if you are able to help.
When editing the UUIDs for each variable…[Read more]
Dan started the topic uBee R410 setup issues in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
After I successfully got the uBee U201 to work for my application, Sodaq stopped producing that model and now only offers one based on the R410. So I’m working on getting the uBee R410 to work.
Scouring through this GitHub issue got me very close but can’t quite get it to work. I’m using hologram, ModularSensors 0.23.16 and a code based on…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
In what way does it “not see it?”. You mean a program won’t compile? Or you cannot see the examples in the library drop downs? What does you library folder look like? Your program? Do you also have SensorModbusMaster installed and include that in your sketch? The Yosemitech library depends on it.
maxbotixinc replied to the topic Sleep code not working with Maxbotix 7389 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Thanks for your use of the MaxBotix Sensors. As such, Sara Damiano’s response regarding the 300mm reported value is correct. This is often caused by object defections or condensation. We offer a self-cleaning version of sensor that provides a more robust condensation solution. Link…[Read more]
maxbotixinc became a registered member 5 years ago
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Thanks for your answer although i got all the correct libraries and can see the one im looking for. The arduino ide still dont recognize it sadly.
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Is this what you’re looking for: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/YosemitechModbus
Did you download all of the libraries in this “Libraries” repository (https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Libraries)? I know there’s a big, green, inviting “download” button on the GitHub page, but because of the way the libraries are in linked repositories, if you download…[Read more]
Deppi started the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Hello! I downloaded envirodiy library for the arduino ide. The problem is that my arduino program finds it outdated and cant find the h files im trying to include. I would really appreciate if someone have experienced this problem before and can help me!
Thanks in advance, Jesper!
Deppi became a registered member 5 years ago
Matt Barney replied to the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
If you all have found that a submersible pressure transducer is a more reliable way to measure depth, we may consider that. Do you have a model that you would recommend?
Matt -
neilh20 replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hi Erik, Sounds like we ended up working on the same issue at about the same time.
Great to hear you have a basic path forwards. I am very much a fan of the open source ModularSensors and EnviroDIY which covers a lot of functionality.However, it is a matrix of south bound (away from internet) instrument sensor interfaces ~~which are…[Read more]
Erik G replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
I’m not expecting you to fix all my problems, but I’m very grateful for any help I can get. I prefer this kind of bug though…
It was actually very instructive to go through the libraries and trying to learn how they work. It was driving me nuts when it was working with the deep debug flag but it finally made sense.
I totally missed @neilh’s…[Read more]
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