Mick became a registered member 5 years ago
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic MayFly Kit/Bee Adapter availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
All the starter kits I sent to Amazon at the beginning of the month sold out within a few days of being back in stock. I’m still waiting on the shipment from the manufacturer to get all of our products back in stock on Amazon. The holidays kind of mess up the schedules. I’ll post an update whenever I have an estimate on when everything will be…[Read more]
Carl replied to the topic MayFly Kit/Bee Adapter availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Same question regarding the – Grove 6-pin Screw Terminal and Grove 3.5mm Stereo Jack Adapter.
Carl replied to the topic MayFly Kit/Bee Adapter availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hi. When do you think the LTE bee adapter boards will be available? I’ve bought the starter kit and sensor and am working on all the other bits and pieces now. Thanks
Carl became a registered member 5 years ago
Leo became a registered member 5 years ago
Lev posted an update 5 years ago
New guy here. I have a very marginal trout stream near me. Its surrounded by development and is very flashy – especially in the spring. I’d like to measure water temperature, DO and maybe pH. Do I need to take samples and send them to a lab? Do I add chemical parameters into a data logger by hand? I guess I need to know more about how to…[Read more]
Before you can decide on the best way to monitor your stream, you really need to come up with a concrete question (or questions) about your stream that you desire to answer. Once you’ve decided on the question, developing the monitoring plan is much more straightforward. Without that question, any monitoring is likely to end up being a waste of…[Read more]
Lev became a registered member 5 years ago
Jorge Mário became a registered member 5 years ago
neilh20 replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Sara sorry about the stomach bug. Life is challenging when the rulers of the internal ecology get distracted with nasty bug invasions.
thanks for the fix ~ I just noticed this conversation today.
I think it was working with the AVR compiler as I had it all working for many months on a Mayfly (except that specific Mayfly got stolen last year).…[Read more]
Matt Barney replied to the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Excellent info! Thanks to you both!
Matt -
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
We usually use the MB7389 because it has the proper filtering for looking at a single target such as water, and has TTL output, so it’s easy to read with the Mayfly. They make lots of other versions, depending on whether you want to look at snow, or people, or multiple objects at once, and with different outputs (TTL, RS232, PWM, analog, 4-20ma).…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
I don’t remember exactly which models we’ve tested or which seems to be the best; maybe Shannon can pipe in.
No matter which you’re using, definitely do get the MaxTemp.
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Sleep code not working with Maxbotix 7389 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Did the modification I suggested get your board to go back to sleep and stay asleep?
We have not tested that part of the data collection yet. Instead, we are first testing the approach in your suggestion as to powering up the sensor then opening the serial port, taking fresh reading, and then closing the serial port resulting in dumping all old data from the buffer. There is evidence in our previous data to support your idea…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
I’m sorry I haven’t responded. My family is finally finished with a fun round of stomach bugs.
Were you by chance talking with @neilh or did you just happen to get to the same place at almost the same time coincidentally? Neil wrote up a fix for this in the SensorModbusMaster library, which I just accepted. If you update that library, you…[Read more]
Masahiro Hayashi posted an update in the group Sensor Developers 5 years ago
Hi All,
I am developing with Yosemitech water quality probes.
However, I have been having trouble contacting Yosemitech
since last week (December 16, 2019).
I’m worried that Yosemitech may have shut down.
Has anyone contacted Yosemitech last week?The product page(DO Probe) of Yosemitech is not…[Read more]
I have looked several times since you posted this, and was pleased to see that the Yosemitech pages appear to be live again now.
Thank you for your reply!
I have confirmed that I can access the Yosemitech page. I also contacted a Yosemitech representative and it was said that the site was being renewed.
Masahiro Hayashi became a registered member 5 years ago
Erik G replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Finally some progress when I got some help.
In the modified ThingsSpeak sketch the constructor was the problem.
YosemitechY504 y504_1(y504ModbusAddress1, modbusSerial, modbusSensorPower, max485EnablePin, y504NumberReadings);-> did not work
YosemitechY504 y504_2(y504ModbusAddress2, modbusSerial, rs485AdapterPower, modbusSensorPower,…[
Matt Barney started the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 1 months ago
I have a use case where I need to monitor water depth and discharge in an earthen irrigation ditch, and plan to use a Mayfly and MMW to collect and report the data in real-time. I estimate the ditch is approximately 10 feet wide and 5 feet deep. We’ve done a number of Mayfly installations on streams using a CTD sensor, but in this case, we only…[Read more]
Erik G replied to the topic RS485 without auto direction control in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 1 months ago
/***************************************************************************** logging_to_thingSpeak.ino Written By: Sara Damiano (sdamiano@stroudcenter.org) Development Environment: PlatformIO Hardware Platform: EnviroDIY Mayfly Arduino Datalogger Software License: BSD-3. Copyright (c) 2017, Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC) and the…
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