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  • Sorry I didn’t catch this earlier when I looked at your code.  But in line 39, you included the wrong library.  All of the various Mayfly board versions we’ve ever built have the ADS1115 chip on them, so you need to specify the ADS1115 library and no the ADS1015 library (because the 1015 is the lower-resolution version of the chip).  So line 39 if…[Read more]

  • Dan replied to the topic PAR issue with Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago

    Current board that I am working on in the lab is a 0.5b. But we have run into the same issue with logging/calculating PAR using version 1.0 as well. We are running a mix of 0.5 and 1.0 in the field due to many of the older 0.5’s USB ports failing.


  • TUBearRiver replied to the topic Hologram monthly bill in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago


    Thank you for the explanation on the fees. The Maker Flexible plan sounds good to me. We will just turn off the logger station as you suggest, which we’ll do in November and the keep the card active so that we can redeploy in the spring.

  • Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Hologram monthly bill in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago

    I think you might be mistaking the monthly fee with the initial $20 auto-pay amount they charge to maintain a positive balance in your prepaid account.  The typical plan we recommend is the Maker Flexible plan, which is $0.60 per month (whether you use the card or not) and then $0.40 per MB of actual data usage.  Most of our loggers (when t…[Read more]

  • We have recently set up our first Mayfly system and really love it so far. For the cell phone service we signed up with Hologram and have a monthly bill of $20. Does this sound about right? Has anyone had experience pausing the service while the system is removed for the winter season?

  • Which hardware version of the Mayfly board are you using this sketch on?

  • Dan replied to the topic PAR issue with Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago


    As you suggested, I tested a duplicate of our set up in the lab and used a power supply source set at 1.5V in the aa0 and aa1 ports used to measure PAR on the mayfly. I get 93 mV and 470 umol for PAR. Clearly wrong. It appears the bits are recorded wrong or they are converted to mV incorrectly.  Any thoughts on a next step to…[Read more]

  • Hi Neil

    Thanks for the feedback. So I guess a separate sensor housed in the same box as the mkr1400 would be useful. That’s on the (long) list of improvements!

    I’ll post some actual data from the piezometer in the next couple of weeks.





  • Hello Dave, thanks for sharing.

    I had thought of getting the device, because of the price, so interesting.

    The issues I saw is that it has two sources of analog error and unquantified temperature coeffocient  for each source of error.

    Every “analog” device typically has a temperature dependency, This would be the depth sensor itself, which…[Read more]

  • Hello

    I thought I would share my experience of using the DF robot gravity industrial level sensor (KIT 0139), as there have been a few posts about it.

    I’ve connected this to an Arduino MKR1400 GSM board via an ADS1115 16-bit ADC.

    The results initially were stable enough. I put the sensor in a covered bucket of water (static level) and checked…[Read more]

  • Dan replied to the topic PAR issue with Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago


    I’ll give your suggestions a shot and see if we learn anything.

    Thanks for the quick reply.


  • It was ExFAT formatted, now FAT32 formatted and working! It’s great when the fix is so easy. Thank you!

  • As long as the cards are formatted for FAT32 and you can read/write to them with other Mayfly boards or Windows devices, then it’s possible the on-board memory card socket on that Mayfly is broken.  Is this a brand new board that you’re using a card in for the first time?  If you’ve got an EnviroDIY vertical microSD adapter you could try putting t…[Read more]

  • I have a new Mayflyv1.1 board and it does not recognize the microSD card (it’s side loaded into the board without any adapter). I am using the mayfly1_TempHumidLight_simpleLogger example with no changes. When I turn on the Mayfly board, I get:

    Mayfly SHT40-Light Logger


    Error: SD card failed to initialise or is…

    [Read more]

  • I use pin 22 on line 145 because I’m using a prototype Mayfly board that is able to generate 12v to directly power the external sensors. If you’re using an external 12v source for your sensors, then it’s fine to put -1 on line 145.  And I’m using a Max13412 RS-485 chip on my modbus adapter, which has auto direction control and internal 5v…[Read more]

  • I looked at your sketch, it’s based on some really old examples we published many years ago at the beginning of the Mayfly project, but it should still work if you’ve got all the original old libraries.  Many of them have been replaced or updated since then, and major changes were made to the Mayfly board design in recent years, making some of…[Read more]

  • Dan started the topic PAR issue with Mayfly in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago


    I am working with a team measuring a host of variables off of mostly SDI12 sensors using both the newest and older Mayflys. We have run into an issue measuring PAR on our Mayfly logger stations. We are using analog Apogee SQ 100 sensors. We get data from the sensors/code, but the output values are about 10x too low. The relevant code is…[Read more]

  • Hi @shicks (and thanks @neilh20),

    Thanks for that.  I am using a Yosemitech Y511-A with a Hydros CTD (Gen 1).  My code is fairly similar to yours.  I notice that you use pin 22 to power the Y511 (line 145) where I have ‘-1’.  I also don’t see the line ‘<span class=”crayon-i”>AltSoftSerial</span> <span cla…[Read more]

  • CAESER became a registered member 2 years ago

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