Shannon Hicks wrote a new post 10 years, 1 months ago
Our Arduino datalogger designs have gone through a few improvements since our original models four years ago. This past year we refined the design even more and have come up with our most rugged and reliable […]
How well does you LiPo hold up under extreme cold? What is you data transmission rate? I know in the one I’m working on for NWS I’ve had to put the 2560 and the Xbee 900HP to sleep when not in use to conserve power. We are looking at a 7.2aH SLA battery with solar and regulator.
I’ve had loggers out for several very cold winters now, and I haven’t had any issues with the LiPo batteries due to cold temperatures. The only times I’ve had problems was using them in clear enclosures during the summer because the inside of the case turns into a mini-greenhouse and heats up the batteries (and the logger boards), resulting in erratic behavior of the board and occasional swelling of the batteries. But since we switched to opaque enclosures, I haven’t had any problems in the summer heat.
Do you have any more details or code that you might be prepared to share. I am struggling to create a sketch that will fit on stalker when using a gprsbee to send data, using the standard libraries.
Steve, when I first read your comment I was a little confused. I haven’t used the stalker board before, but I was under the impression that it was a ATmega2560 and not a 328P. I couldn’t figure out why you had code constraints…….
I spoke offline with Steve Hicks about the 2560 logger board I had done. If the community thought it would be useful I could redesign that to be more useful to this community and make it available. I would just need to know what the most prominent portions of the stalker or other board needed to be implemented and what the size constraints might be if any.