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  • neilh20 wrote a new post 9 years, 8 months ago

    A fun project was using the Electric IMP001 to communicate with an RS485 pressure transducer. The readings are delivered to the cloud and use the nice (and evolving) services of thingspeak.net.

    The […]

    • What kind of pressure sensor are you using? You can usually get temperature-compensated ones for only a slightly higher cost than non-compensated ones.

    • I’m working with a variety of models – the base specification has been 0.1%FS TEB (Full Scale Total Error Band) with acceptance testing for a 10C shift in water temp across a diurnal cycle. The spec has been to accurately measure low levels at about the 0.2-1foot mark of water in summer – with a hydro-graph range of 0-10feet.
      Initially we used the Keller levelgauge -and some of them came up with a wild temperature instability, that is as the water warmed by couple of degrees they oscillated the full extent of their error band and in some cases went outside it. The error wasn’t allocated proportionately across the error band.
      Then switched to a Keller Acculelvel that has a tighter error band. I ran tests on them all before we deployed them to the field.
      I’m interested in what other people are using. The critical issue is having the 0.1% Total Error Band across a 10C shift in water temperature.
      I’ve heard some people recommend the Solinst devices, and the standalone Insitu – so I’m building a database if anybody has a favorite and any experience to share 🙂