Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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  • Shannon Hicks wrote a new post 11 years, 1 months ago

    Commercial systems that measure carbon dioxide for  soil respiration experiments can be very expensive, but we built one for a fraction of the cost.  The controller is based on an Arduino Uno, with a datalogger s […]

    • This looks awesome! Would love to build something similar for an experimental multi-level soil-gas sampler. Would you be able to post a list of components and a basic connection scheme somewhere?


    • Hi,

      Is it possible to have more information on this soil respirometer you’ve developped?

      Best regards

    • We have an old PP Systems multi-channel unit which I would like to adapt based on your system. If you have any extra info that would be super