I’m a scientist with a limited amount of coding background and an even more limited understanding of electrical engineering, and EnviroDIY Modular Sensors on GitHub has made Arduino framework environmental monitoring possible for me. This blog post will point you to a tutorial that is intended to get end-users like me doing Arduino framework environmental monitoring like a pro. The Arduino Revolut...[Read More]
Our goal was to supply Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District in Forest Lake, Minnesota with an easy to use, low cost, and low power system that continuously monitors groundwater levels with minimal visits to the site.
I had the joy of traveling to Bhutan in November 2015 with a delegation from Stroud Water Research Center and Waterkeeper Alliance. Among our goals was to provide our Bhutanese colleagues at Clean Bhutan and government agencies with water quality monitoring tools and methods that are low cost, accurate, sustainable, and adaptable to their needs to help them monitor their own water quality. Shannon...[Read More]