Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Author: Heather Brooks

2. Example Data

View example plots of CTD and turbidity sensor data.

1. Battery and Solar Options

The amount of sunlight your EnviroDIY Monitoring Station receives will determine the battery and solar panel sizes you will need.

9. References and Acknowledgments

View EnviroDIY Monitoring Station Manual references, authors, and funders.

8. Managing a Monitoring Station

Management of the EnviroDIY Monitoring Station includes quality control practices, sensor cleaning, station maintenance, power issues, data curation, and other issues associated with keeping a monitoring station functioning properly.

7. Installing an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station

Step through gathering installation equipment, choosing an installation location, and installing the station and staff gauge.

6. Building an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station

Learn about assembling the Mayfly Data Logger and Pelican case, connecting sensors to the data logger, mounting parts, solar panels, and sensor bundle parts.