Computer program downloading and circuit board wiring were not my forte, so the first thing I did was enlist the help of the most tech-savvy people I know.
DIY is in many cases a misnomer; in reality, we Do-It-Together: bringing people together to develop and share environmental monitoring and measurement systems.
Travel distance is critical for studying many aspects of river ecosystems, and sometimes it’s more accurate to measure, not just predict, how far river water travels over time.
We evaluated the positives and negatives of using Maxbotix MB7389 ultrasonic sensors for monitoring baseflow stream levels.
Regular cleaning of your EnviroDIY Monitoring Station sensors is the most important step in making sure you are collecting meaningful data.
One area of vulnerability for EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations is rodent damage and in particular beavers. Beaver tend to bite anything that gets in their way while in the water and they have very sharp teeth!