Hello! Anyone has experience with triggering a Teledyne Isco Water Sampler external by a Campbell Logger? It seems to be a small challenge and we are happy for any information!
Wow what a great place to share about sensors. My passion has been the interface between the real world and the digital domain. The world as we know it always has layers – so while we aim for a visualized story of some aspect of the real world – say temperature or stream depth– there are many aspects of collecting the data. Last year I bought a Honeywell Internet thermostat that allows me to see a...[Read More]
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Real Time Clock (RTC) modules like the DS3231 chip (found on the ChronoDot and Seeeduino Stalker v2.3) keep track of the date and time for a datalogger circuit. The module can output the number of seconds since January 1, 2000 as an integer, which can be very handy for recording a time stamp with your sensor data. However, 1/1/2000 is not a common starting point for most epoch calculations. The...[Read More]
Introduction to world of data management Shannon Hicks, my coworker at the Stroud Water Research Center, has written several posts about the cool data loggers and sensor packages she has developed here. But, unfortunately, just designing a new instrument and deploying it in the watershed doesn’t answer questions about watershed science. To get the answers we’re looking for we need to b...[Read More]
These instructions were written to help teachers and students get the necessary software installed on their computers in preparation for our Introduction to Environmental Sensing workshop. If you want to try this at home, you’ll need to follow one of the Adafruit tutorials listed below. Download and install the Arduino IDE software. (For detailed instructions on software installation, visi...[Read More]