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The Internet of Things Meets the Internet of Water

Mayfly Datalogger and EnviroDIY Featured on Electronics Industry Website

Amy Goetzman of ConnectorSupplier.com learned the history of the Mayfly Data Logger and its potential to transform water quality monitoring from EnviroDIY co-founders Anthony Aufdenkampe and Shannon Hicks and EnviroDIY collaborator, Beth Fisher.

For years, corporations and government entities have used “black box” water monitoring stations to continually evaluate water conditions and transmit data back to a control center. However, the base cost for the logger station portion of these devices starts at $5,000 and they have limitations that present problems to repair and maintain for many users. Now a group of scientists has devised a better, cheaper device that utilizes off-the-shelf electronics components and the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect and transmit water data. The brains of their monitoring stations is called the Mayfly Data Logger and they’ll sell you one — but they’d rather teach you to make one yourself.

Read the full article on ConnectorSupplier.com

Photo: Beth Fisher and University of St. Thomas student Courtney Pelissero install a groundwater monitoring station in a wetland. The project is part of an effort to reduce nitrate and phosphorus inputs to the Sunrise and St. Croix River in the Midwestern US. Photo courtesy of ConnectorSupplier.com

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