Last updated on 2022-12-02
- EnviroDIY: A community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed®, a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
- WikiWatershed: WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud™ Water Research Center, is a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
- Mayfly Data Logger: User-programmable microprocessor board that is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE software; data logger used in EnviroDIY Monitoring Station.
- SL###: EnviroDIY Monitoring Station ID (“Logger ID”), Stroud Logger 0-# – Running tally of all EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations that have been built and deployed by Stroud Water Research Center. Each individual EnviroDIY Monitoring Station has a unique SL number.
- Site ID: Stroud Center-assigned site identification used for preparing and processing samples and general accounting.
- Time-series data: Data points collected over time at equally spaced intervals. For EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations measurements are recorded every five minutes.
- Continuous data: Term used interchangeably with “time-series data” — refers to the continuous stream of data generated at specific time intervals.
- Discharge: Quantity of water flowing in a stream over time (m3/s or ft3/s).
- Turbidity: Measure of light passage through water (i.e., measure of the cloudiness of water). Measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) and others (e.g., JTU, FNU).
- Conductivity: Electrical conductivity — measure of how well water conducts electricity — directly related to the amount dissolved material (ions) in the water. Measured as microsiemens per centimeter (μS/cm).
- CTD: Conductivity (μS/cm), Temperature (degC), Depth (mm) — refers to the sensor that measures these parameters.
- Chloride (Cl–): Anion (negative charge) part of common road salt (NaCl) — commonly measured (mg/L) in streams to assess road salt inputs.
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS) : Concentration (mg/L) of undissolved materials in water, includes sediment (sand, silt), organic debris, and any other particles that do not dissolve in water.
- Supplemental sampling: Term used here to indicate additional sampling intended to enhance EnviroDIY Monitoring Station data — primary intention is for supplemental data to be used for developing rating curves.
- Rating curve: Graph and correlation of one variable against another on x- and y-axes. Once developed, the relationship is used to infer information about one variable based on the other — here, discharge is inferred based on depth, TSS based on turbidity, and chloride based conductivity.
- EnviroDIY Monitoring Station Parts List: Comprehensive parts list for building an EnviroDIY Monitoring station, with price and vendor information.
- Field Visit Data Form: General data sheet used for recording EnviroDIY Monitoring Station management actions, grab sample collection information, and other key sampling information.
- Stream Discharge Data Form: Data sheet used for recording measurements used for calculating discharge.
- Cross-Section Discharge Form: Data sheet used for delineating stream cross-section profile for use in predicting wetted cross-sectional area in unwadeable conditions.
- Discharge Rating Curve Calculator: Excel spreadsheet developed by Stroud Water Research Center into which Stream Discharge Data form data are entered, discharge is calculated, and rating curve generated.
- Stage to Area Predictor: Excel spreadsheet developed by Stroud Water Research Center that contains channel profile information and which calculates predicted wetted cross-sectional area for use in estimating discharge in unwadeable conditions (used in association with Discharge Rating Curve Calculator).
- Load Calculator: Excel spreadsheet developed by Stroud Water Research Center that uses rating curve equations and time-series data from EnviroDIY Monitoring Station to calculate TSS and chloride loads.
- Web data portal to which all data from EnviroDIY Monitoring Stations with cellular coverage are transmitted.
- Campbell OBS-3+ Turbidity sensor: Turbidity sensor made by Campbell Scientific — measures turbidity in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) (this sensor was discontinued by the manufacturer in 2020).
- Meter Hydros 21 CTD sensor: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth sensor made by Meter Group (formerly Decagon CTD-10).
- Hologram: Technology company providing cellular data plans for transmitting data on the internet.