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Mayfly Board Hits the Adafruit Blog

UPDATE: EnviroDIY’s Mayfly Data Logger Board was also featured on Geeky Gadgets, and HackerBoards.com!

Thanks to Adafruit blogger and EnviroDIY member, Leslie Birch, for sharing information about the new Mayfly Data Logger Board.

stormsnakesLeslie is a self-described “tech artist with a strong interest in water and other environmental causes.” She was an early member of EnviroDIY (back before we even had a name for this community) and worked a bit with S Hicks as she created an artistic intervention for stormwater run-off at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education.

Take a look at her Storm Snakes project here on EnviroDIY and jump over to the Adafruit blog to read about some of her other projects and interests.

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