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  • Adam Gold wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Adam Gold is a Ph.D. candidate in the Piehler Lab at the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences (UNC IMS). To learn more about his research, visit his website, follow him on Twitter […]

    • Adam did you see my blog on “low cost EC sensor” ? I was using the Atlas sci probes but switched to the Sensorex probes which are cheaper. A more expensive version is available with an intergrel 10K RTD for temperature measurement. It comes with a 3m cable and pigtails – no BNC!

    • Jim, I read your blog post and plan to test out the Sensorex probes with future monitoring stations. The wiring and automatic temperature compensation would definitely be a time saver! Thanks for the comment!

    • Jim, Adam: I would be interested to hear if you have considering using the non-contact toroidal conductivity sensors from Sensorex for water monitoring since you have concerns about biofouling and you are in a saltwater environment. The inital cost of the toroidal sensor is high in comparison to the contact type sensors , but over the life of the sensor the initial cost I believe would be offset by the quality of the data and the large reduction in labor for sensor maintenance. https://sensorex.com/product/tcs3020-toroidal-inductive-conductivity-sensor/

      I have several years using these sensors in industrial applications that required the biofouling resistance. I also helped deploy torodial sensors aboard a sailing vessel that was monitoring both freshwater and sea water. I am interested to hear your feedback. What is your expected range of conductivity measurements.