Andre DeLorme replied to the topic How easy to set up? in the forum Teachers 7 years, 3 months ago
Shannon – thanks for the reply. I first heard of the EnviroDIY at the Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting this summer. They mentioned that there may be workshops to “train the trainer”, is this a possibility? Any chance you could come back out this way to do a little training? We are not as large as the Western Minnesota River Watch…[Read more]
Andre DeLorme started the topic How easy to set up? in the forum Teachers 7 years, 3 months ago
I help run a River Watch program in North Dakota and we are interested in helping schools set up monitoring stations using the Mayfly system. How easy is it to do? It seems that there is a lot of program coding and working with circuit boards. Is this a barrier or is the process straight forward? I also have not been able to find much…[Read more]
Andre DeLorme became a registered member 7 years, 5 months ago