Charitha (CJ) replied to the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 8 months ago
Basically trying to control flow through an outlet of a bioswale. The algorithm for control is attached as a diagram (I have written this in python and campbell coding but yet to do in C++). I’ve attached the .ino file I’m playing around with as well. The decagon CTD sensor is connected to D4-5 and I’m trying to get a 0-5V signal out from D10-1…[Read more]
Charitha (CJ) replied to the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 8 months ago
I changed the connections as you have suggested. I noticed that D22 gets activated when .logData() function is run. And because the data reading interval is controlled through .logData() I can’t seem to do much. When the CTD is connected to the D4-5 jack, do I still have to have SDI12Power set to 22 in the code below?
DecagonCTD…[Read more]
Charitha (CJ) replied to the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 9 months ago
Thank you so much for the replies. The 5V signal duration varies with site and rain event conditions. However, with my previous field work, using a campbell system, the valve controlled by the actuator was open (5V) for an average of 10 mins (but could be a few hours on extreme rainfall events). How would the duration affect the mayfly? I’m using…[Read more]
Charitha (CJ) started the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 9 months ago
I’m trying to send out a 0-5V signal out to an actuator to be controlled using data collected thorough a CTD sensor (Hydros 21). I have used the ‘DRWI_NoCellular.ino’ sketch referred in the monitoring station manual and was able to get the data logger to collect and store the data. I’ve been trying to figure out how to send out a signal. I read…[Read more]
Charitha (CJ) became a registered member 4 years, 11 months ago