Jim Moore replied to the topic Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Thanks Chuck for getting my Sensorex RTD voltage divider output converted to °C. I plan to leave the EC as the raw value from the AtlasScientific EZO circuit. Attached is the code addition to DRWI_CitSci.ino to get the Sensorex probe data published to MonMW:
//================================================== // Atlas Scientific EZ…
Jim Moore replied to the topic Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
<h4 class=”user-nicename”>@chuckkir</h4>
Thanks Chuck for offering to help with my coding issues. I have two sets of code that I am currently testing with my Low Cost Sensor Station. Simple_logging.ino is working on my mayfly platform which I am using to test the compensation routines to convert the raw data from the AtlasScientific EC sensor a…[Read more]