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Chuck Weaver

  • Chuck Weaver replied to the topic SensorModbusMaster in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Include the base required libraries
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #include <Arduino.h>
    #include <SensorModbusMaster.h>
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Set up the…

    [Read more]

  • Chuck Weaver replied to the topic SensorModbusMaster in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago

    BTW I am using a teensy 4.1 module

  • Chuck Weaver started the topic SensorModbusMaster in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago

    Hi, I am trying to  use the library SensorModbusMaster.  I have but some questions on the Git repository but have not received any answers.
    <p dir=”auto”>I want to pull floating point data and trying to figure this out.  My sensor simulator is set up for sensor address 1 and register 2 to send out floating point data on two registers, little en…[Read more]

  • Chuck Weaver became a registered member 2 years ago