Dave replied to the topic OTA in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I download data every couple of months, or as needed. It’s a pain, and I inevitably have overlap of data to clean up.
My current plan allows for 3 month’s data storage (Maker plan), but I notice on the current pricing only 1 month of storage is provided. I’ll get the good news at plan renewal time I’m sure!
I’ll have a look at arduino cloud /…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic OTA in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi Neil
I had a go at arduino cloud about a year ago.
For price/configurability I ended up switching to Blynk. I’ve had 5 arduino MKR GSM boards function flawlessly for the past year. I think Blynk is aimed at developers, but there was enough sample code for me to get the board running .
That said, the current arduino pricing looks good.
I’ve…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic depth sensors for water wells in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 4 months ago
Hi Karl
Have you had a look at maxbotix? Not sure if they do a 150m ranging sensor – could you mount the sensor on a rod and insert that to say 140m or is the fluctuation in level too much?
This video also presents a range of options, more on the diy side…
Dave replied to the topic lifepo4 solar system in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the feedback
Funny you should mention rocket scream, I’ve just had a few red comet esp32s delivered. They promise low power consumption and solar charging for lifepo4. I’m hoping to replace a rather bulky 12V panel and battery system with the red comet and a single cell 26650 lifepo4 (see…[Read more]
Dave started the topic lifepo4 solar system in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 2 years, 4 months ago
Hi all
Just wanted to get your thoughts or options for lifepo4 power for monitoring stations. First off, I generally use an arduino pro mini 3.3V for switching on/off the main logging system and in sleep mode the pro mini consumes ~50 uA. I’ve also just got a hold of the rocket stream mini ultra which promises 4 uA sleep current, lets see…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic DF Robot KIT0139 Level Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 4 months ago
Hi Neil
Thanks for the feedback. So I guess a separate sensor housed in the same box as the mkr1400 would be useful. That’s on the (long) list of improvements!
I’ll post some actual data from the piezometer in the next couple of weeks.
Dave -
Dave started the topic DF Robot KIT0139 Level Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 5 months ago
I thought I would share my experience of using the DF robot gravity industrial level sensor (KIT 0139), as there have been a few posts about it.
I’ve connected this to an Arduino MKR1400 GSM board via an ADS1115 16-bit ADC.
The results initially were stable enough. I put the sensor in a covered bucket of water (static level) and checked…[Read more]
Dave became a registered member 2 years, 9 months ago