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Thanks for the reply. I have tried every baud rate for the modemBaud setting. I just tried again with 115200. I get a slightly different response but unfortunately, it’s still not readable.
Waking up the Xbee
Flushing the Serial port
Check what band the module isset for.
Sending command:AT+FREQ
Putting the Xbee tosleep
I don’t have a basic bee carrier card. I will order one and see what the response is from the module there.
I picked up a couple of the MultiTech mDotTM LoRa radio modules. Can you share any example code you have for getting them communicating? or do you need anyone to help test the ModularSensors library additions you are working on? I am happy to test and report back with any issues.
Thanks for your reply. I will have to check out the LoRa radios you suggested. I’ve been looking at the ModularSensors library as well. I’m am also checking with the project sponsor to see if there is a reason that specific LoRa radio module was chosen.