Letsid replied to the topic Hydros 21/Decagon CTD: reading error in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years, 9 months ago
Hello all. I have recently been delivered two of the newest versions of the Hydros 21 CTD sensors. They are replacing two that were destroyed after a year in the field. Anyway, with these new sensors, I am having issues with the SDI12 address. I have run the SDI12 check code (posted earlier) and have used that to try and program the sensor so…[Read more]
Letsid replied to the topic Hydros 21/Decagon CTD: reading error in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years, 7 months ago
It worked! Thank you, thank you! I very much appreciate all the help.
Letsid started the topic Hydros 21/Decagon CTD: reading error in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years, 7 months ago
This being our first year implementing our EnviroDIY unit, we are trying to keep it simple and are only using one sensor: the Hydros 21 (which, if I am not mistaken, is also known as the Decagon CTD). Since it is so simple, compared to other units, I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I cannot seem to get any readings from the sensor. Each t…[Read more]
Letsid replied to the topic XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 7 months ago
Wanted to send an update: the XBee is now connecting to the internet in a timely manner! I saved the testing code for my future units. Thanks again!
Letsid replied to the topic XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 7 months ago
Got it! So this time I left it long enough to connect (or I think it is connecting). Attached are snips of the monitor. It repeats for quite a while and then right at the end it changes. So, pictures 3 & 4 are almost consecutive.
Letsid replied to the topic XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 7 months ago
The battery I am using is basically straight from the box so I was under the assumption that it was about 50% charged. I have not had the opportunity to complete the solder on the Voltaic solar panel. The antenna has been gently wiggled! I should also note that I did not remove the antenna when testing the second Digi XBee (to avoid un…[Read more]
Letsid replied to the topic XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for taking the time to put that together! It worked… sort of. My SIM successfully connected to the internet! It took maybe 30 minutes. My signal quality is listed as -45.
After successfully connecting, I restart the Mayfly and build in the MMW example. This code fails to connect and I get the same result as before ( “could not co…[Read more]
Letsid started the topic XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 7 months ago
<p style=”font-weight: 400;”>I am unable to connect to the internet (and therefore monitor my watershed). After reading some other posts, it seems that I am not alone. However, I am still having problems even after reading some of the tips. Here are links to the forums that I have read:</p>
Letsid replied to the topic Issues with compiling modular sensors library in the forum Miscellaneous 4 years, 8 months ago
The pio lib install worked! Thank you so, so, so much.
Letsid started the topic Issues with compiling modular sensors library in the forum Miscellaneous 4 years, 8 months ago
I have made good progress with the learn EnviroDIY course. However, I have yet to succeed in compiling my .ini files when the modular sensors library is included under lib_deps. I skipped over this problem in some of the earlier lessons, such as the one using the DallasTemperature for temperature readings, by simply removing the modular se…[Read more]
Letsid became a registered member 5 years, 1 months ago