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Elliot Ma

  • Yes we are using a Mayfly v1.1! As for the 12v source, I am not too sure. I did not put the board together originally so it’s been operating how it’s been since it was put into place.

    I will be back soon to check on it again with a voltmeter. Could you explain how I can check if it’s using the correct 12v configuration?

    Much appreciated,


  • We installed a ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor with a data logger in a creek a couple of months ago. It was working well and uploading data to MonitorMyWatershed.org without issues until 10/17, when it started reporting -9999 values for turbidity. We’ve verified that the sensor wiring is intact, and the internals of the logger appear to be f…[Read more]

  • Hi Shannon and Sara,

    Thanks for taking a look at this. I actually JUST fixed it, and I’m not sure what I did correctly?

    Nothing I did was able to wake the modem, and like Sara said, it wasn’t receiving power. I was in the midst of taking those photos you request Shannon, and I think just unplugging everything and plugging it back in fixed it……[Read more]

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the quick reply! I am not getting any red lights on the modem at all. I have the Mayfly plugged into my pc right now and the only lights are the orange charge light, the USB/POWER lights, and D8 is lit up as green right now.

    The modem seems to be correctly seated according to the instructions. We previously were able to get this…[Read more]

  • Also double checked hologram.io to check to see if the sim is active, it is. I’ve also tried swapping the battery out, taking the sd card in/out, and have messed around with

    const int8_t modemVccPin = 18;

    and have swapped it from 18 to -1 as per the commented code, but it has not worked.

  • Hi,

    Continuing to run into a problem connecting our Mayfly to LTE, getting an error: “Could not wake modem for clock sync”.

    I’ve seen this posted a lot but I still can’t find any concrete reasons as to why I’m getting this error. I’m using the “DRWI_SIM7080LTE” sample sketch and using a HYDROS 21 to connect.

    I’ve generated, formatted, and…[Read more]

  • Nevermind! We’ll just buy the 6600 mAh battery

  • Hi,

    We’re looking to buy new 3.7 V 4400 mAh batteries for our Mayfly 1.1 and it seems that both the Adafruit and the Digikey vendors on the parts list table are both sold out. Any recommendations on replacement batteries that we could look for or are we okay with buying any general 3.7 V 4400 mAh batteries we can find that have similar…[Read more]

  • Funnily enough, I’m having the exact same issue! Also using the ClariVUE 10 turbidity sensor. It seems that the logger is writing to the SD card instead of connecting to the SIM. Hologram is basically telling me the SIM is online and ready to be communicated with, it just isn’t receiving anything.

  • Elliot Ma became a registered member 7 months ago